Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry X'mas

It's the eve of Christmas eve and I'd like to wish everyone happy holidays!

I got my bonus this month which was great coz I haven't had so much moolah in my bank account before. But most of it's gone to getting a gym membership, a facial package, impulse buying (clothes, shoes and many more things I DON'T need) and christmas gifts (1 or 2 which are really expensive)...why can't I ever control my buying habits?? At this rate I'll never get my own car or house. Imagine, 50 and still living with my parents. How sad can it get??

I need to join Shopping Addicts Anonymous. Or maybe get enrolled in a Learn Not to Believe Sales Pitches class.

I still can't believe I've spent most of my bonus!!!

And I've still got my braces to finance. Oh golly.

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